We are so much more than a Riding Centre! ?Help us raise funds to purchase the Centre.
Donate and spread the word!??
Gregor’s Story:
Harry’s Story:
Harry started pony riding at Margaret Haes Riding Centre in April 2021. At first it was a huge achievement just to walk up the hill to the stables and be around the horses, we had been told that he had always been scared of horses.
Each week Harry made small steps towards becoming closer to the horses, he started by stroking them then moved onto grooming and even started walking the horses between stables and out in the arena. In February 2022 Harry sat on a horse, it was only for a few seconds but it was something we thought wouldn’t happen for a long time, week by week after then Harry has made huge progress. Harry will now get on the horse independently and actually walk around the arena riding.
Kaylie Crompton, Head of School said “This has been an incredible accomplishment and Harry has grown in confidence. The relationship that he has built with the staff at Margaret Haes has been paramount in this success story. The staff are incredibly patient with him and they have played a big part in the progress he has made in such a short time.”
Harry’s Mum said” The weekly routine has become so important to him and it is now one of Harry’s favourite activities. He’s always so excited to go to school on ‘pony riding day’ and watching him gain so much confidence in himself has been incredible. It would be absolutely heartbreaking if this were to be lost. It means so much, not just to Harry and the other young people, but to the staff members and to us as families too.”
Karen’s Story:
“Being with our amazing ponies is priceless when you’re sad,
lifting your spirits and taking your mind to a better place.”
“Sadly, and very suddenly, my severely disabled daughter Sadie passed away in 2019 at the young age of 28 years and it was a tremendous shock to myself, and all her friends and family. Many of Sadie’s friends attend MHRC so it is a place very close to my heart.
Horse therapy, helping, supporting and teaching many of these wonderful people has helped me personally through times of great sorrow and immense grief.
Being with our amazing ponies is priceless when you’re sad, lifting your spirits and taking your mind to a better place. It has helped me keep my head above water and also helped me achieve so much .
MHRC has truly inspired me to continue helping individuals to enjoy their horse riding experiences”
A Parent’s Story:
“listening to him laugh once he realises where he is going makes my day.”
“My son is profoundly disabled, non-verbal and requires full care. He cannot be entertained with craft, books and games. He loves riding. Just having a focus for the day, something to get up for is massive. Leaving the house and listening to him laugh once he realises where he is going makes my day. So you can see how important this is for both him and me.”
Pierce’s Story:
We are so much more than a Riding Centre! ?Help us raise funds to purchase the Centre. https://www.crowdfunder.co.uk/p/keep-our-forever-home Donate and spread the word!??
My name is Pierce and I have been part of the Margaret Haes family for 18 years. I have a speech/ language disorder and dyspraxia and first attended with my primary school to help my coordination all those years ago and I have been coming up to MHRC ever since that day. I am now a volunteer and also a paid member of staff. Everyone who knows me, will tell you I always make sure the stables are clean and ready for the horses. “My record is 16 stables in one morning”. My other duties include checking and collecting if we have morning post, picking any horse manure on the lane up to the stables and most frequently you’ll find me on the muck heap, maintaining and keeping it thrown back, stacked up and tidy. I don’t mind helping out with any of the jobs in the stables, fields and yard. MHRC has helped me with my confidence and self esteem, I am not sure what I would be doing if it wasn’t for the stables. I’m very happy here. Please support MHRC to help support everyone that attends Thanks from Pierce.William’s Story:
William has been coming to MHRC for a year and loves riding Murphy every week. William is 6 years old with Autism and Albinism which affects his eyesight. Attending the centre helps him with stability and routine . William talks a lot about Murphy to his friends and family, and if William has had a bad day at school Murphy calms him down. Williams Grandma said “ he adores Murphy and has a photo of Murphy next to his bed.
David’s Story:
David has been coming to Margaret Haes Riding Centre for over 7 years, travelling from Manchester city centre. He attends MHRC twice a week for a private lesson during the day. Riding in our arenas or a hack out over the moors.
David is a great character and loves riding Ava, our Irish Sports horse and they have a fantastic connection. During his life David has owed his own yard and horses, with a love for show jumping and has many horsey friends. Since his brain injury MHRC brings structure and motivation to his life enhancing his physical and mental well being.
After a great lesson on Ava learning all different types of flat work, pole work and transitions, he loves telephoning his family and friends to tell them about his latest achievements with Ava. It’s a definite mood lifter and an invaluable part of his week.
A Local Resident:
”the stables is one of the delights of living in Holcombe”
A local resident in the village said “The Riding Centre has become after 50 years an integral part of village life and has had a warm and harmonious relationship with residents for years. The sound of hooves and laughter from the volunteers leading groups to and from the stables is one of the delights of living in Holcombe.”
Other comments from our Crowdfunder:
?I was a volunteer helper at the stables back in the early 80’s when I was a shy youngster. It helped me build the resilience and life skills you need to get through life. I have very fond memories of the people and the horses/ponies here. Really hope you raise the funds you need to carry on the good work.
?Our family love Margaret Haes Riding Centre and the amazing service and contribution it makes to our community, delivered by exceptional people and wonderful volunteers. Please keep this wonderful organisation going! Many thanks from our kids, Phoebe, Jasper and Imogen
?The centre not only does an excellent job in providing a valuable experience for disabled people, but provides excellent opportunities for young volunteers to provide a worthwhile service to the community.
?As someone who loves horse riding I know how beneficial this is to our mental health x.
?I came for riding lessons here every Sunday way back in the early 90’s. best of luck reaching your target amount
?Good luck with your crowdfunder. You provide an amazing service to our community, my daughter Ellie absolutely loves coming riding here. ?❤️?
?So many happy memories of being a “helper” here in the 80s and 90s. Really hoping that the amount needed is reached to help this resource be saved for the community.
?Nick first came to the stables aged 9 at his occupational therapists suggestion. Seventeen years later we are still coming and it is still his favourite place in the world. He has made friends, helped out with Pony Clubs and his sister volunteered for five years. The horses, staff and amazing volunteers have all changed several times but the spirit and ethos remain constant. The stables are unique and as a family we would be lost without this wonderful organisation, its people and the horses. Sue, Steve and Nick x
?It’s our daughters happy place (Charlottes mum & dad)
?We will be forever grateful for the times Ben and his brothers spent at the stables and the dedicated volunteers who give so much time! Good luck with the fundraiser
?Wish you the very best of luck. So many abled and disabled children and adults have benefitted from attending riding at Margaret Heys it would be a tragedy to lose such a brilliant riding school.