Charity Abseil a Fantastic Success

Almost 90 people abseiled down some 120 feet of Peel Tower in glorious sunshine last Sunday, all to raise funds for the Margaret Haes Riding Centre. It was a fantastic success. Thank you to all who abseiled and raised funds for the Riding Centre. Amazing how much you raised!
The charity, which has been operating for over 50 years in Holcombe village, is hoping to buy a new horse and fund lots of improvements to the Riding Centre which offers horse riding for those with a disability or additional needs.
So many people came to support the abseil event organised by the Friends of Margaret Haes Riding Centre, creating a wonderful atmosphere on Holcombe Hill. Stuart and team at Alternate Adventure did an amazing job with the abseil making all feel safe and fun.
Abigail Bates, a volunteer, rode to the Tower to do the abseil on her favourite horse, Arnie, from the Riding Centre. Cheers went up as she finished her abseil . Abigail said “I was thrilled to do it as it was all for a good cause”.
Thanks to Bury Council and the National Trust permitting Margaret Haes Riding Centre to use Peel Tower, over £11,300 has so far been raised from the event, which will make such a difference to the charity, now well over 50 years old and going from strength to strength.
Debra Batchelor, the centre’s Operations Manager, said “It was challenging, and many did the abseil even though terrified of heights, knowing how much the charity changes peoples’ lives because of their contact with horses. A huge thank you to all who did the abseil and to the generosity of Rossendale Interiors , Rosebridge, Barry Bennett and all other sponsors as well as the supporters who made the day a fantastic success”.